- University/MA diploma in “English Language and Literature”, other university/MA diploma in the arts or social sciences; since 2011 a diploma listed in the ODT database as ”received master majors”; a high level of English proficiency.
- A professional outline in English (at least 1200 words or 10.000 letter spaces) pertaining to a research plan, a professional conception.
- A high level of knowledge pertaining to the theme to be explored, as well as an adequate level of theoretical preparedness that the conceptuality requires. What should be considered “adequate” grounding is sufficient basis for independent research and the formation of professional opinion.
- Language proficiency: a high – a language teacher’s – level of knowledge of English. Although proficiency in yet another world language is not necessarily an entrance examination prerequisite, a successful, at least basic-level state language examination or a university/MA diploma can be regarded an asset.
- Similarly important is a hitherto completed professional and scholarly activity: student research work, publications, the completed chapters of a longer work in progress, contributions at professional forums (such as conference lectures).
- If applicants are graduates of the Institute of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen, they are requested to enclose a copy of their university student thesis with their application material.
Tuition fee in the 2023/2024 academic year:
- students admitted to the full-time regular programme: 40.000 HUF per semester (N.B.: with credit endorsement and on the basis of individual judgement the tuition fee can be reduced)
- individual applicants: a one-time sum of 100.000 HUF
Last update:
2023. 05. 30. 14:12